Friday 3 February 2012

Diversity , What Diversity?

Following a recent meeting of councillors who represent the northern communities of Thanet (we are talking Parking here!) It was interesting to note that the Councillor who had thrown his dummy out of the pram regarding a half hour 'Free' parking, in Birchington , was not there!

What was also interesting to note was that his proposal would, actually, impose a tax upon the disabled and non car owners.

The reason for this is that the plans, he proposed, would mean an extra cost on all ratepayers in Thanet. This means that those with 'Blue badges' , who currently pay nothing for two hours parking, would have to pay some of their rates toward this concession! (as would those who do not own a car).

Councillors present came up with a suggestion that would give the residents of Birchington free parking in a carpark on saturdays... similar to the scheme proposed for the other town centres.


Anonymous said...

Using this argument wouldn't free Saturday parking impose a tax upon the disabled and non car owners?

Ken Gregory said...

Actually... no! because if the parking is free all day it does not have to be 'Policed' so the cost is minimal!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response but I'm still a bit puzzled but nothing unusual there!

What about the loss of parking income as presumably Saturday must be one of the busiest days? Also if the argument is that the cost of not charging for parking is minimal as the costs of 'policing' it virtually wipes out the income, why charge for parking at all? i.e. Why have we been charging for Saturday parking all these years other than to pay those 'policing' it as it does not seem to be making any money and is putting off people shopping in town?

Don't get me wrong I'm not against any of the free parking schemes and would support both schemes but I just don't see any great difference in the arguments being made and the consequent effect on ratepayers. It all seems a bit political and I've no great feelings to one side or the other and am more interested in good policies whoever puts them forward.

So well done to all involved in the Saturday parking suggestion!

Ken Gregory said...

Thanks for that, Its all about how the council is run. The Party that I am a member of believes that vehicle drivers should bear the cost of the services provided to them.
We are now at a position where a couple of 'independant' councillors are proping up a minority Labour group in the Council. Our Group still believes that motorists should pay for their lifestyle and not be subsidised by those who can ill afford to. The proposal put forward would seem the cheapest way of achieving that...

Anonymous said...

Well done Ken, good reasoned arguments, as to where was Worrow that is a truly good question looks like the "heat in the kitchen " is becoming difficult to face for a certain young Party jumper!!

Anonymous said...

Bit like you then, Mr Checksfield.