Wednesday 3 December 2008


Is it good to have a hard winter, or should we look forward to a mild one,???


John Worrow said...

Winters are much harder under Brown :)

Anonymous said...

As a single parent dad to a special needs son, it's sure going to be hard! However that won't stop us having fun and you can always dress for the cold. It's about time we had snowploughs along the Thanet Way again, thats the sort of winter we are due....


Anonymous said...

Does Brown make things hard for you then, Worrow?

John Worrow said...

Did someone refer to me? Shame I don't answer questions put to me by those that are afraid to use their name.

Anonymous said...

What is John-Boy on about...? Anyway, enough of irrelevances, I would always vote for a cold, hard winter. Kills off the bugs and marks a real distinction between the seasons. And snow is great - unless of course you have to get to work through it.

Anonymous said...

to call an adult boy is a racist act against a jewish person such as the parish councillor,

Anonymous said...

I know nothing of Mr Worrow, other than what he contributes on blogs, and did not know that he is jewish. If what you say is true, then any "racist" element in my comment was entirely accidental, and most certainly unintended. I was merely parodying the folksy style made famous through the TV programme, The Waltons.

Ken Gregory said...

Come on chaps and chapesses, It is meant to be about weather, not the race of any contributers. I am sure no racist remark was intended, if so I would have deleted it. I do monitor this blog at least twice a day.

Unknown said...

07 December 2008 00:06

Thank you for your concern but I am Church of England and its quite nice to be called 'boy' at 39.. :)