Saturday 19 September 2009

Public Fear

Is it not strange that Government 'experts' are stressing the importance of caution with regard to E Coli and 'Swine Flu' ? Could it be that Gordon and pals are hoping we will get so worried that we will 'forget' the economic problems that face us all, along with the ever increasing unemployment?
I really do not think that the British people who vote are that stupid.


Tony Flaig said...

Its called politics

Anonymous said...

I see you are comming in for some 'Stick' from Mr Nottingham for getting things done, ignore the fool, you get results, he fails. Keep up the good work, well done. As for Mrs 'in your face' she will keep failing, because she is a 'hasbeen'

Anonymous said...

Well said 1410, we need Cllrs who do the job, not try to score cheap political points, lets hope the voters put on their 'sensible' heads in 2011. maybe the labour group will be back down to where they belong 4 seats

Ken Gregory said...

Oh please, do not 'slag off people you do not know, If you do know them prove it and then your comments may have some validity