Sunday, 7 September 2008

Had a real issue trying to post the last oen, Thanks to Michael, managed it. Us bloggers must stick together


Anonymous said...

Labour's civil war reaches new heights today as the leader of Britain's biggest union launches a venomous personal attack on Foreign Secretary David Miliband.

In an outspoken interview with The Observer on the eve of the Trades Union Congress, Derek Simpson, joint general secretary of Unite, the union with the biggest group of Labour MPs at Westminster, accused Miliband, in a stream of swearwords, of being 'smug' and 'arrogant'.

In terms that caused fury on the right of the party, he also said Miliband would take the country back to the 'failings of Blairism' and could be a worse choice as Prime Minister than the Tory leader David Cameron. 'We might as well elect Cameron. We might be better off with Cameron,' he said. '

'Why should we elect a young fresh face when we have already got one in Cameron with policies that are not dissimilar?'

Simpson's officials, who sat in on the interview, immediately ordered that swearwords used to describe Miliband be taken 'off the record'. However, they confirmed that the robust anti-Miliband assault had been deliberate and should stand. Simpson said Gordon Brown should tell those who back Miliband's leadership ambitions, including Charles Clarke, who argued last week that Brown should consider stepping down 'with honour', to 'sod off'.

Labour MPs said last night they detected the hand of Charlie Whelan, the Prime Minister's former spin doctor, behind the attack. Whelan is now the national political director at Unite and controls its political messages. Denis MacShane, the former Europe minister, condemned the outburst as distasteful and damaging to the Labour party and the country.

Another senior MP said there were concerns within the union about whom Whelan was really working for. Whelan said last night that the comments were 'nothing to do with him. Derek speaks for Derek.'

Meanwhile, in an interview with today's Sunday Mirror, Schools Secretary Ed Balls urges Labour MPs to stick together while admitting that Labour is 'two-nil down' to the Conservatives in the race for the next General Election. He calls on MPs to 'stop jeering at the manager', insisting there is still 'a lot to play for'.

'Everybody knows that if you are two-nil down five minutes into the second half, you don't give up. You keep playing. The winner is the team that sticks together, stays determined and has the fitness, resilience and determination to win,' he says

Anonymous said...

Not as interesting as the shadier goings-on close to home in the Thanet Tory Party. Will it be Ezekiel, Wells, or A N Other leading the party into the new year? What will the current police investigation into supposed corruption reveal?

Anonymous said...

What police investigation? Is there substance to Private Eye's 'Rotten Boroughs'item then? I have that 'here we go again' feeling in respect of 20 odd years ago! The 'f*****g t****r' incident at Winter Garden's and 'Gimme that petition, Iris', pale into insignificance if this is a serious issue.

Anonymous said...

You will find that it is a storm in a tea cup. Sandy is the best leader Thanet has ever had.

Anonymous said...

The Labour Party is in meltdown both nationally and in Thanet.

Anonymous said...

I have just stopped laughing over the "Sandy is the best leader" comment. That is almost as funny as suggesting that propriety and integrity are strong in the halls of power locally.