Having spent 18 months keeping a low profile, I have concluded that its about time to get back into the thick of it and be proactive again...over the next few days I will be putting a few 'stories' into their right boxes.. and , I promise, not getting my own back. I hope you will bear with me, Comment moderation will be on, but I will promise to publish anything that is not actionable!
Welcome back Ken.
To update you on my activity.
I sent a submission report for reviewer of Terrorism Law making a suggestion for new legislation (Duties to the Realm act) and the amendment to HSAW Act you know about. That failures of hospital emergency generators be designated as reportable incidents for mandatory HSE investigation.
In your areas of interest re policing and public safety I have raised some sort of inquiry relating to Dungeness A by the nuclear safety watchdog.
Such an inquiry would take two aspects whether there is a current safety issue to address and whether, retrospectively, the station when operating would have experienced emergency shut down difficulties after a severe weather event or the IRA deployment 1996 to take out electrical power distribution London and South East.
It is highly unlikely that I will be informed of the results of inquiry. But from a public safety and firefighting point of view there is a nuclear watchdog check raised now.
So all should be well.
Don't hold your breath waiting for the law to be changed.
Welcome back, Ken. Thanet blogging is in a bit of a sad state these days with anonymous trolls destroying debate on those sites that do not apply some form of comment moderation and elected representatives now all but disappeared. Thanet Life is now the last councillor authored blog regularly posting items.
Your sidebar links to other sites needs updating, as some have disappeared during your absence, but a new voice will be welcome.
Look forward to seeing some interesting activity.
Thanks William, will sort out the page over the next few days.
thanks Peter!
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